Accredited JTAC Simulation Training – What does JTAC stand for?

Joint Terminal Attack Controller. 4 Regt Royal Artillery JTACs have just received another concentrated period of accredited JTAC training with Nautilus. Throughout the week, they conducted currency controls including Joint Fires, laser, night tactics techniques and procedures (TTPs), remote observer, full motion video (FMV) and rotary wing. The Certified JTACs were able to consolidate the training they have all received at JFACTSU, prior to their Certified and Qualified checks (CQ). The CQ JTACs also operated in permissive and non-permissive environments, whilst controlling a multi-layered Restricted Operating Zone (ROZ). Helicopter and vehicle infiltration TTPs were tested and CASEVAC procedures practiced, whilst in close contact with the enemy. The final part of the week saw accredited AC-130 Gunship Call for Fire missions being carried out. This was overseen by the Nautilus JTAC SMEs, who are accredited by the US AC-130 Gunship fleet. Bohemia Interactive Simulation VBS3 products and SimCentric Fires FST software applications were used as part of the integrated accredited solution.

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